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Updated: Mar 8, 2020

Over the past 10 years of providing counseling to individuals and families I have recognized that some of our earliest experiences can set us up for relationship success or obstacles later on in life. Many individuals go through traumatic events throughout the early parts of human development. Some individuals develop trauma responses much like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We become frozen or stuck in our emotional development while our physical body continues to develop. Here are 4 classic examples of individuals who vary in emotional development even though they exist within a physical adult body.

Adult-Toddler:Others must meet my needs. I want what I want when I want it. I feel a great sense of Anxiety. I fear abandonment and being left alone because I am helpless and vulnerable. I am extremely needy and you are not allowed to take a break from meeting my needs. You must help me self-regulate when I get angry with others or certain situations. I am helpless please care for me and love me. My entire existence depends on you caring for me. I have a lot of fear and I struggle with trusting people including you sometimes. I believe that there is something inherently wrong with me that prevents me from feeling confident and strong. During the early stages of my development I may have experienced sexual trauma or lived with a parent who had an addiction which impacted my ability to trust the world and the people in it. I could have benefited from Trauma therapy but my needs were too neglected when I was little.

Adult-Child: I have mastered the art of manipulation. To get my needs met; I just take what I want and deal with the consequences later. If you don’t meet my needs, I will get revenge by ignoring you or find another way to punish you by withholding my love or affection. I am likely to be the narcissist in a co-dependent relationship. I attract in the codependency with my powerful attraction and hooks. I can be quite charming and endearing when I need you to comply with my needs. I will interrupt you if you are not focusing your attention on me. This is so annoying to you and you lash out but at least I get your attention. I will turn it around on you and make you think that it was all your fault. I make a mess and I want you to clean it up. These are my skills of manipulation. I am likely to engage in relationships even though they will likely end in betrayal, infidelity, or divorce because I use people as objects. It’s not my fault though because while I was growing up, I didn’t have a therapist for children to guide me through the healing that I needed in order to form strong relationships. I struggle with communication because it’s my way or the highway!

Adult-Teen: I am supposed to be independent and not be a needy person. So when you try to give me advice or guidance it feels like a personal attack against me. If you try to coach me or mentor me I will rebel and do what I want anyways. I believe I am an adult and there is nothing that anyone can tell me because I live my life for me. #YOLO. I know my limits and I like to push them; there is nothing wrong with that. Everything you think and feel is a criticism of me. I take harmful risks and I break the rules. I do not respect boundaries so don’t even try setting them with me. I want to prove that I am not reliant upon others event though I really do depend on them. Nobody really understands me and I don’t really understand myself so I become a shape-shifter trying to fit in everywhere. I may have extreme highs but really get stuck in the dark lows of depression. A therapist for teens would have helped me to develop and strengthen my identity while recognizing my strengths and potential.


I am a whole self. I can deal with conflicts in relationships by setting boundaries through compassion. I am able to value your right to opinion without foreclosing on my own value and right to opinion. I don’t have to manipulate you and I give you space to be you. I am able to speak my truths with strength and respect. I am vulnerable and able to share my pains and fears with those I have built safe and secure bonds with. I am independent but I know that I can’t do it all on my own; sometimes I have to ask for help. I have made errors and I am not perfect but I am making a lot of progress. I hold myself accountable and I take responsibility for my reactions and responses to situations. I recognize the value of intimacy, passion, and commitment that must be balanced for a relationship to withstand life’s obstacles. I recognize that even though I am in a great place, I could always benefit from working with an affordable therapist to set and accomplish goals.

If you can relate to some of the information contained in this blog, it may be time to connect with an affordable therapist who can help you fully develop your emotional self. Contact me today for an appointment!


All providers are under the Clinical Supervision of Kyle Giblin LCSW (AZ, IN, IL)

300 West Clarendon Ave Suite 140

Phoenix, Arizona 85013


© 2019 Noble Path Counseling & Consulting, LLC

Kyle Giblin MPA/MSW LCSW 

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